Got in two good workouts this week in the Programme.
Have decided to put the two workouts in the one post
Session 1 - Tuesday 13th
Warm Up
Nothing Different than normal, but I have added some extra rotator work based on the floor.
Main Programme
Power Clean 5 x 2 @70kg
Snatch Grip Deadlift 5 x 2 @ 85/85/90/90/90kg
Good Morning 3 x 8 @32.5kg
Split Jerk 4 x 2 @ 42.5/45/47.5/47.5 (Average 1.7m/s)
Pendlay Row 3 x 8 @ 42.5/45/47.5kg
Ab Wheel 2 x 5
Session 2 - Wednesday 14th
Reset Session, stretching, mobility work and 3 x sets of Ring dips and Bicep curls
Session 3 - Thursday 15th
Good Session today - got the band tension better on the box squat, and technique getting better on the movement as well, still not there but better hip drive.
Warm Up
No changes here from the normal
Main Programme
Power Snatch 5 x 2 @40kg
Barbell overhead Press 5 x 2@ 40/50/55/55/57.5kg
Chin up 3 x 8 bodyweight
Box Squat 4 x 2 with the red bands 40kg bar
RDL's 3 x 8 @60kg
Medball Circle and loop work 3 x 8 @6kg