Had a tweaked back last week.
Had a bit of a tweaked back last week so took some time out of training and took it easy.
This week I was back into it and seemed to be recovered well and with no issues.
In saying that I still lowered my weights significantly to see how things felt.
1 x 10 Halo rotations clockwise and anti-clockwise @10kg
1 x 10Goblet squat and curl with 20kg KB
Technique work
1+1 x 3 Snatch Grip Press + Overhead Squat @ 40kg
Hang 10s between sets
Main Work
3 x 4 (1+1) Front Squat + Split Jerk @ 40kg
1 front squat + 1 split jerk repeat 4 x each set
10s hang between sets
2 x 15 Single arm Kb Swing @ 24kg
5,3,2 Chin Ups
1 x 30m each side Single arm farmers walk @ 24kg
It was a good session today, felt good moving well, my back feels fine, and rebuilding back up is underway.